Monday, October 13, 2008

Election "08"

“Election 08”


The Democrats of the United States of America, united in common purpose, hereby rededicate themselves to the principles which have historically sustained their Party. Recognizing that the vitality of the Nation’s political institutions has been the foundation of its enduring strength, they acknowledge that a political party which wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead, a party which asks for the people’s trust must prove that it trusts the people and a party which hopes to call forth the best the Nation can achieve must embody the best of the Nation’s heritage and traditions. What they seek for the Nation, they hope for all people: individual freedom in the framework of a just society, political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens. Bound by the United States Constitution, aware that a party must be responsive to be worthy of responsibility, they pledge themselves to open, honest endeavor and to the conduct of public affairs in a manner worthy of a society of free people.


Believes the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored Believes in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability. Believes free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity. Believes government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn. Believes the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least. Believes the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people. Believes Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times. Believes Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world. Believes the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

Four-Year Term
Salary: $400,000

The President of the United States is chief executive officer of the federal government, leader of the executive branch, and commander in chief of the armed forces. The president has the power to make treaties with other nations, with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate. The president also appoints, with Senate consent, diplomatic representatives, Supreme Court judges and many other officials. Although the president shares power with Congress and the judiciary, he or she is the most powerful and important officeholder in the country. The president has no vote in Congress but is the single largest source of legislative proposals. As the principal foreign policy maker, the president of the U.S. has become the world’s most important leader in international affairs.

Where’s Obama today... Preparing for Tomorrow's Big Debate...

Barak Obama… Democratic Party

Occupation: United States Senator (Illinois)


Barack Obama began his career working as a community organizer in the South Side of Chicago in neighborhoods devastated by steel plant closings. He taught constitutional law and won a seat in the Illlinois Senate, where he led a successful bipartisan effort to move people from welfare to work, expanded health care to children and their families and implemented “report cards” for hospitals. In the U.S. Senate, Obama worked with Republican Dick Lugar to keep nuclear weapons away from terrorists. He passed laws improving care for wounded troops who had been neglected and helped pass the toughest ethics legislation since Watergate. As a candidate, Obama refuses contributions from federal lobbyists and PACs. Barack and his wife Michelle have two daughters.

Top 3 Priorities

Safely and responsibly redeploy our combat troops from Iraq and refocus on our broader security threats.
Make quality, affordable health care available to all Americans.
Build an affordable, clean, and secure energy future


He as captured the attention of young, middle class and minority voters

He is proposing trillions of dollars in new spending to boost the economy. Those who oppose the spending are calling the move an “economic disaster”.

He’s calling to an end to programs we don’t need, no more easy money living for the country. “We are living beyond our means; we need to break the cycle of debt. I am asking you to believe in yourself and each other.”
95% of Americans will get a tax cut. Who is the 5%??? The ones opposing the break…

“CEO’s are getting greedy and politicians are spending money we don’t need. Government needs to live on a budget like you do.”
We need to work on jobs now…he proposes a 4 point plan to immediately deal with a tax credit and the foreclosure crisis along with other major issues.

Where’s McCain today... VA and NC

John McCain… Republican Party
Occupation: United States Senator (Arizona)


Experienced conservative leader in tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. Common sense conservative who believes in a strong national defense, a smaller, more accountable government, economic growth and opportunity, the dignity of life and traditional values. The problem is that politicians in Washington are working for their own self-interest. When offered early release as a prisoner of war, he refused, subjecting himself to torture rather than give a propaganda victory to his captors. We need to put our country first and put our politics second. That is what John McCain has done his whole life, and that is what he will do as President.

Top 3 Priorities

Energy- commit country to expanding domestic oil exploration, promoting and expanding use of domestic supplies of natural gas. Green/jobs green/technology vital to economic future. Becoming energy independent vital to future and security of U.S. Lexington ,Project will transform electricity generation; goal of building 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030, creating 700,000 jobs and providing cheap electricity. Lexington Project will devote $2 billion annually to research that will allow clean use of our most plentiful and low-cost energy source: coal.
Taxes- comprehensive economic plan will create millions of good American jobs, ensure nation’s energy security, get government’s budget/spending practices in order, and bring relief to American consumers. Cutting corporate tax rate 35% to 25%, comprehensive spending controls, stopping wasteful earmarks and pork-barrel spending a priority. Keep top tax rate at 35%, maintain 15% rates on dividends/capital gains, phase-out AMT.
Health Care- provide access to health care for every American. While still having option of employer-based coverage, every family will receive a direct refundable tax credit - $2,500 individuals, $5,000 families, to offset cost of insurance. Families choose insurance provider, money sent directly to provider. Those obtaining innovative insurance that costs less then credit can deposit remainder in expanded Health Savings Accounts.

“You don’t have to be scared of Obama…” was one of the few puzzling comments he’s focusing on during his campaign run. “Thief in the night, hopelessness, defeat and not giving up on hope” are others but it goes on and on.

“I’ve been fighting for America since I was 17. It’s time to fight for a new direction. Fight for America. I never fought from the sidelines, I’m an American, I choose to fight.” Read between the lines what he’s really campaigning so hard to achieve is the “Bush Agenda/4 More Years.”
People are angry and fear higher taxes and sending if Obama is in office, voters are not starting to play devils advocate, provoking McCain to throw more mud at the Obama campaign.

To date McCain is 6% down in the race, some argue 10%. He can’t match Obama with money but he is not giving up until Nov. 4

10/13/08 McCain is campaigning in NC and VA (as Sarah Palin)

The Other Candidates:

Cynthia McKinney (Green Party)
Occupation: Completing Doctoral Studies/UC Berkeley


Cynthia McKinney served 12 years in the US Congress, as a courageous voice for the voiceless, speaking truth to power. She authored legislation to: eliminate subsidies for job-exporting corporations; create livable wages; repeal the Military Tribunals Act; provide forest protection / restoration; eliminate depleted uranium weapons; deny assistance to police violating human rights; allow 9/11/2001 victims the benefits of the Victims Compensation Fund while suing those responsible; and impeach Bush, Cheney, and Rice. McKinney successfully extended Agent Orange benefits; authorized a disparity study demonstrating USDA discrimination against minority farmers, and directed a Pentagon study on handling of conscientious objection.

Top 3 Priorities

Cynthia will implement radical common sense solutions to America’s myriad problems to bring our troops home now for urgent action on Global Warming, for money. To create employment for sustainability. She asks us all to do some things we’ve never done before in order to have some things we’ve never had before. Additionally, Candidate McKinney states issue positions on
Iraq, Health Care, Taxes, Immigration, Gay Marriage, Energy, Trade, Abortion, Economy, Education, Guns, Foreign Policy, Environment, Ethics, Race, Social Security, Housing, Veterans, Nuclear Arms, Lobbyists and Global Warming.


Bob Barr (Libertarian Party)
Occupation: Attorney, President of Liberty Strategies, Inc


Represented 7th District of Georgia in U.S. Congress 1995- 2003 where he served as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, and member of the Committee on Financial Services. Also member of The Constitution Project’s Initiative on Liberty and Security, and served 2003-2005 as member of project at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University addressing matters of privacy and security. Appointed by President Reagan to serve as the
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia (1986-90), and served as President of Southeastern Legal Foundation (1990-91). Was an official with the CIA 1971-78.

Top 3 Priorities

Restore America’s Economic Strength- accomplished through combination of cuts in government spending, industry deregulation, reduction in the tax burden, and reform of massive, confusing tax code.
Restore protection for civil liberties and privacy- As president, I would order the executive branch to follow the Constitution, and to limit its actions to those authorized by the nation’s fundamental law. Would submit legislation to Congress repealing any extra-constitutional powers voted for the president. The nation’s highest-ranking public official must be bound by the law and Constitution like everyone else.
Putting defense back into defense- reemphasize the word “defense” in national defense. By maintaining a military presence in more than 130 nations around the world with more than 700 installations and hundreds of thousands of troops, the U.S. spends more to protect the soil of other nations than our own. Bringing these soldiers home would allow us to better protect America while saving lives and money. The U.S. requires a military strong enough to defend this nation, not to support and defend much of the rest of the world.


Ralph Nader (Independent Candidate)
Occupation: Consumer Advocate


Significant Career Experience: Instrumental in the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Founder of hundreds of non-profit organizations, including Public Citizen, the Pension Rights Center, the Public Interest Research Groups, and the Center for the Study of Responsive Law. Named one of TimeMagazine’s “100 Most Influential Americans in the Twentieth Century”. Education: AB magna cum laude from the Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs at Princeton University. He received an LLB with distinction from Harvard Law School.

Top 3 Priorities

Adopt single-payer national health insurance, 6 month corporate and military withdrawal from Iraq,
Crackdown on corporate crime and corporate welfare and provide help for struggling families.


Four-Year Term
Salary: $221,100

The Vice President takes over the presidency if the incumbent dies, resigns, becomes unable to do his or her job or is impeached. The Vice President presides over the Senate, and votes in the case of ties. The Vice President also leads commissions, manages special projects created by the president, and presides over a joint session of Congress when it formally counts electoral votes for presidential elections.

Senator Joe Biden (Delaware) Democratic Party Running Mate

Governor Sarah Palin, (Alaska) Republican Party Running Mate

Abused her power of office by not stopping her husband (Todd Palin) from engaging in an act to get her former brother in law (Trooper Mike Wooten) fired. Todd used his wife’s electoral position for personal gain when he used the governor’s office influence. Ethic laws were clearly violated but no sanctions were recommended.

Hugh Hefner has offered Palin a spot in Playboy Magazine, if the offer is still stands when and if she loses this election I wonder will she take it.

Other Running Mates...

Rosa Alicia Clemente, Green Party Running Mate

Graduate of University of Albany and Cornell University. Much sought after commentator, political activist, community organizer and independent reporter, Rosa has been delivering workshops, presentations and commentary for over ten years. Academic work has been dedicated to researching national liberation struggles inside the U.S. with specific focus on the Young Lords Party and the Black Liberation Army. Ten days after Hurricane Katrina ravaged parts of the south, Rosa traveled to the areas as an independent journalist and her on-the-ground reports were reported on independent radio stations all over the world, including Air America, NPR, Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now, Indy media, Hard Knock Radio and many more independent and mainstream media outlets. She has been the subject of articles in the Village Voice, The New York Times, Urban Latino and The Source magazines, and has appeared on CNN, C-Span, Democracy Now and Street Soldiers.

Wayne Allyn Root, Libertarian Party Running Mate

Founder and Chairman of a successful small business, Wayne Allyn Root is a self-made businessman as well as an author and television producer. Wayne graduated from Columbia University in 1983, with a degree in political science. He initiated his television career as an anchorman for the Financial News Network (now CNBC), and has been a guest on several network television talk shows, including CNBC, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC. Wayne has also authored six books and appeared on numerous, highly recognized radio shows and has been featured and profiled in various newspaper and magazine articles, including The Wall Street Journal, CNN/Money, and Fortune. Wayne has still made time to home school his four children – a choice he and his wife opted over government sponsored public schools. Wayne is a Lifetime member of the Libertarian Party, and proudly dedicated to the cause of liberty.

Matt Gonzalez, Independent Candidate Running Mate

Occupation: Civil Rights Attorney. Significant Career Experience: Implemented the highest minimum wage in the country in San Francisco. Successfully fought for electoral reform (Instant Run-Off Voting). Oversaw an economy with a budget of $6 billion. In 2003, narrowly lost campaign for San Francisco Mayor as a Green Party candidate. Elected Experience: San Francisco Board of Supervisors (2000-2005); Board President (2003-2005). Education: He received a Bachelor’s degree from Columbia College, Columbia University, 1987, and a Juris Doctor from Stanford Law School in 1990.

Top Three Priorities:

Adopt renewable energy policy; Institute a national living wage ($10 min.), Equal rights for all American citizens (end discriminatory laws).

Minister Louis Farrakhan...

Addressed the Nation of Islam recently and sent the media and the world in an uproar when he called Obama the Messaih.

“Obama is the instrument that God’s gonna use to bring about universal… He’s captured the youth. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear. The Messiah has spoken.”

They can’t possibly control who supports their candidacy, but they can be honest about their affiliations, relationships and involvements with them.

During this fiasco, there were thousands of ballots sent in that said “Osama” instead of “Obama” kissed off as a common harmless and unintentional mistake.

Secretary Condoleezza Rice...

With Bush and his campaign preparing to make changes and way for a new office, Secretary Rice has to be the most honorable mention. She has remained firm yet neutral in her republican position and has done an amazing job with the obstacles, decisions and criticism she has endured during her term.

“I am proud to have been able to represent this country and what the United States stands for. People admire the United States but don’t always agree with our policies.”

One major accomplishment and honor during her seat has been diligently working with South Korea and recently removed them from the US terrorist list.


FEMA: soon to charge Katrina evacuees rent for trailers dwelled in Greensboro

Stock Market: People invest to build stock for future retirement benefits. Most stocks plummeted or disappeared along with most life long investments. Instead of stocks why not invest in people, causes and small businesses.

Voter Fraud: ACORN and OBAMA under fire. False voter registration forms. Works to get low income voters (office in NV raided, one of first). Football players registering to vote where they don’t live (NV). St Louis dog was registered in last election. 10 states under fire for voter fraud. Oct 14 deadline to register, Nov 4 vote. 2003 about 1,000 fraudulent registrations. McCain is calling for a federal investigation into all the organizations activities. Obama led one of their efforts in 2002. 10/13/08 a seven (7) year old girl was registered to vote in CT. Family says troubled relative could have forged the form. People are approached by workers to re-register to meet personal quotas and secure jobs on the streets. Help workers make money for number of forms turned in. OH man admitted to signing 73 registration forms to help workers make money. ACORN said they actually submitted 18 but numbers may actually be about 48. Millions of applications/registration forms under review. Same handwriting/different names and information of voters.

AIG Bailout: spent $400 on lavish resort for company executives

Ayers: weather underground. Both served on education board. Terrorist acts took place when Obama was 7 or 8 years old. Worked on funding for education for 7 years on the same board. Money went to external partners, instead of schools. 1997 Ayers was awarded the citizen of the year award.

Gangs: started with the government. Democratic blue and Republicans red…need I say more???

GPS on Offenders

OJ Simpson Guilty: appeal, jury perjury after the fact.

Child Abuse: Perez & Colon found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Boyfriend beats the 2 or 3 year old to death and mother help cover it up by helping him dump her body in a trash can at an apartment complex (NV). 20,000 reported cases this year, child abuse (702) 399-0081 hotline.

GM and Chrysler Major Merge: also includes Ford

Choices Inc.: hiring inmates in a program with NV Department of Detention Center to have convicted felons’ jobs registering voters.

Energy Resources




Unemployment/Equal Pay


1 comment:

Don said...

I can really appreciate this blog post, the effort, the information offered. Almost to good to be true. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the read.

I kinda hope Palin does accept the Playboy offer.